Titles By Elaine Littau:

Nan's Heritage Series:

Book I, Nan's Journey

Book II, Elk's Resolve

Book III, Luke's Legacy

Book IV, The Eyes of a Stranger

Book V, Timothy's Home

From the next series - Rescued...A Series of Hope:

Book I, Some Happy Day

Book II, Capture the Wandering Heart

Book III, Walk Slowly Through the Dark

New Series- Nashville

Book I, Six Miles From Nashville

Book II, Christmas in Nashville (Coming soon)

go to http://elainelittau.com/ to order.

I have the first 3 chapters of "Some Happy Day" available to readers for free on my website, http://elainelittau.com/

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Elks Resolve edits are Moving Along

I am excited. It looks like I will make my deadline on the edits to Elk's Resolve! Another point of interest is that the pre-orders are moving along very well. If you want to be sure that you are on the list for a pre-release copy of Elk's Resolve, comment here.

The editor I have been assigned to on this book is great. She has given me many encouraging notes on what I have written. She has also guided me and helped me correct some of the things I overlooked in the manuscript. In many ways I believe that Elk's Resolve is even better than Nan's Journey. If course Nan will always have a special place in my heart.

I can hardly wait to get the copies of Elk's Resolve in my hands.

If you have read the older posts on this blog, you know that the third book is written. Luke's Legacy carries on the story. Right now it is in a contest. One of the specifications was that the manuscript could not be one under consideration by a publisher. I am very excited about Luke! The Fourth book is still in the first chapter. I have had a lot on my plate this month so I haven't written on it since Thanksgiving. You are going to love it! It is yet un-named.

I want you to know that I am working very hard to be sure that each book is able to stand on its own, but it is somehow connected with the other ...so far. Each book will be unpredictable and have characters that you will care about. I hope my love for writing is reflected in each book.

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