Titles By Elaine Littau:

Nan's Heritage Series:

Book I, Nan's Journey

Book II, Elk's Resolve

Book III, Luke's Legacy

Book IV, The Eyes of a Stranger

Book V, Timothy's Home

From the next series - Rescued...A Series of Hope:

Book I, Some Happy Day

Book II, Capture the Wandering Heart

Book III, Walk Slowly Through the Dark

New Series- Nashville

Book I, Six Miles From Nashville

Book II, Christmas in Nashville (Coming soon)

go to http://elainelittau.com/ to order.

I have the first 3 chapters of "Some Happy Day" available to readers for free on my website, http://elainelittau.com/

Friday, March 9, 2012

Family & Interview with Diane Head

This year so far has been challenging for a lot of my family. My sweet niece and her husband have spent many hours in hospital waiting rooms. My heart is with them even when I cannot be.

It has been a comfort for this family to have so many people praying for them and giving them support through this terrible time. I am reminded that when it comes to the end of life, relationships are the thing.

We must realize that those around us are what makes up our life. It isn't the toys and trappings of life. It is the conversations, laughter, concern, tears, and love that matters. Somehow, at a death bed, we don't feel the need to send meaningless texts or play yet another game.

When we know this person will not be with us any longer, we call to mind the last words spoken, the last smile, the last hug. These are the important things.

I love my family and it hurts to lose one of those near to my heart, but I know that my great-niece, Tonya, is walking into the arms of God.

All of us are on borrowed time. Each of us will meet our Maker. The questions are: What kind of relationship do I have with Jesus? Do we talk often? Do I know what is on His mind? Do I tell him my concerns? Am I ready to meet my God? All you have to do is reach out to Him and tell Him you want Him. He will do the rest.

I would like to introduce you to an author friend of mine, Diane Head.

Juvenile Non-Fiction – emotions & feelings, social issues.

“Grammy Dee Solves the Case of the Red-Hot Screamies”


1. When did you get the urge to write?

I’ve been a published author since my teens when the New Haven Register printed a couple of my poems. I’ve had some success freelancing articles over the years, but this is my first book in print.

2. How did you choose the genre you write in?

I’ve taught classes and counseled adults on anger management, but as a parent & former teacher, I saw the need to bring this teaching to kids while they are learning how to deal with their emotions.

3. Please tell a little about your books.

Grammy Dee is planned as the first in a series of books to help kids ages 4-9 develop a strategy for dealing positively with their emotions. The young reader is reassured that feeling anger is okay; it’s a warning signal that something needs to change.

Grammy Dee cares about kids and encourages them to be detectives and follow clues to decide what needs to change. Then she shares her super tips for setting behavior and expectation boundaries, talking out problems and making plans for change.

Readers get to solve problems, practice communicating their feelings and learn how to react when others are angry around them. This upbeat, practical guide is both instructive and entertaining.

Included is Grammy Dee’s Marvelous Mad Meter – an illustrated chart of the spectrum of angry feelings that an facilitate a helpful dialogue with a caring adult.

4. Do you speak to groups?

I enjoy speaking to church and school groups about how adults can help children not only cope with the complex feelings of anger, but use anger to fuel change.

5. Would you share something about your experiences of being an author?
My most rewarding experience as an author thus far, (aside from my Grandchildren being proud of me), has been my interaction with a local 5 Grade class. They were studying authors and I was asked to answer their questions about the writing process. This grew into an on-going correspondence with several students that has been very rewarding. Nothing like being told “You Rock” by very savvy kids.

6. What is the best response you have received with your books?
Just last week I heard from a woman who had bought Grammy Dee for a grandchild. She reported that her granddaughter loved the book and had learned many lessons from it. The highlight for me was when this child overheard her Grandpa sounding angry with someone on the phone, she ran to give him the book and told him he needed to read it. Now they wanted to buy more books for other grandchildren.

7. Where can your books be purchased?
My soft-cover book is widely available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Anyone wanting a signed, hardbound copy can purchase one directly from me at the “author’s specials” button on my website: dianehead.tateauthor.com

8. How do you battle the times when you are down in the dumps as a writer?
I have friends who know how to make me laugh. Truly the best medicine – along with great hugs and kisses from 3 darling grandchildren. They are my joy and delight.

9. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I really didn’t have a favorite toy as a child. I loved books. I loved the escape – especially into pioneer days.

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