Titles By Elaine Littau:

Nan's Heritage Series:

Book I, Nan's Journey

Book II, Elk's Resolve

Book III, Luke's Legacy

Book IV, The Eyes of a Stranger

Book V, Timothy's Home

From the next series - Rescued...A Series of Hope:

Book I, Some Happy Day

Book II, Capture the Wandering Heart

Book III, Walk Slowly Through the Dark

New Series- Nashville

Book I, Six Miles From Nashville

Book II, Christmas in Nashville (Coming soon)

go to http://elainelittau.com/ to order.

I have the first 3 chapters of "Some Happy Day" available to readers for free on my website, http://elainelittau.com/

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year 2009! Yep, it's that time again. New Year's resolutions. For the first time in my life I finally looked up what the word "resolution" is defined as in the dictionary. Webster's New World College dictionary says:resolution 1. a)the act or process of resolving something or breaking it up into its constituent parts or elements.2. a) resolving or determining; deciding b) the thing determined upon; decision as to future action; resolve3. a resolute quality of mind4. a formal statement of opinion or determination adopted by an assembly or other formal group 5. a solving, as of a puzzle, or answering, as of a question; solution6. that part of a play, novel, etc. in which the plot is explained or made clear7. Med. the subsidence or disapperance of swelling, fever, or other manifestation of disease.8. Music the passing of a dissonant chord or tone in a cord to a consonant cord or tone9. Physics te capability of an optical system or other imaging system, of making clear and distinguishable the separate parts or components of an object.If you are like me, that is a bit much! I suppose the New Year's Resolution falls under the #2 catagory, but it takes the resolute quality of mind to follow through along with the answering of a question. "What exactly am I resolving to do?" To follow through with a resolution you have to break it up into doable parts...and it helps to have and "assembly" of people to help you stay with it.My new book's name is "Elk's Resolve". Elk had to make a decision to overcome his circumstances and become his own man. He determined to not let the negative events in his life define him. Resolve is defined as fixed in purpose or intention. Sometimes it takes that kind of grit to step away from the knee jerk reactions and take the high road. In my experience that is easier said than done. Reactive words seem to hover at the tip of the tongue. Noble words seem to have to be sought out in the far recesses of the mind. (Am I alone here?)What are my goals or resolutions for 2009? That is tough but I will make a stab at it.1. I desire to grow closer to the Lord.2. I desire to be a sweeter wife and mother...grandmother...sister...friend..etc3. I want to improve my writing and marketing skills.4. I want to reach 5000 books sold for "Nan's Journey" and at least 2000 for "Elk's Resolve" by 2010.5. I want to submit Book III of Nan's Heritage Series to the publisher for consideration to the publisher before 2010.6. I want to do more speaking events and meet more readers this year.7. I want to get physically fit, thus, lose weight so that I can be stronger.8. I want to read 25 books this year.9. I want to finish book #4 and #5 before 2010.10. I want to open for whatever the Lord has in mind for me.How did I do with my goals for 2008?1. I sold 1119 copies of "Nan's Journey"2. I maintained my weight loss from the summer before although I did not lose the pounds I wanted to.3. Get out of debt...nope, still in there! That is something we are gaining on, but still have to work on.4. Read 24 books! Yea! I still have a stack of about 20 that I can't wait to get to.5. Write more. Yep, I was much more disciplined with that.How did you do?

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